Umbrella insurance is an important type of coverage that boosts the coverage that you get from other insurance policies. If you have both an auto policy and a home policy, you should think about getting an umbrella policy to boost them.
This is a less-expensive option than adding coverage directly to the home and auto policies. It can save you a lot of money and leave you much better protected by insurance. When you want an umbrella insurance policy, call us at Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA.
Getting Umbrella Insurance
When you get this type of insurance, it adds to the amount of coverage that you already have through your auto and home policies. The policy adds to the liability coverage that each of those policies has, raising it to a very high maximum payout. Umbrella insurance is known for being highly affordable and for having high payouts.
Paying the Overages
When you have home and auto insurance without umbrella insurance, there are usually maximums on them that are so low that they don’t cover all of the expenses after an accident. A serious accident could have extremely high expenses for bodily injury liability and for property damage liability. If your home or auto insurance doesn’t have a lot of coverage, it will pay up to its maximum and then leave any overage for you to pay.
That’s why having umbrella insurance is so important. Once the first policy comes in and pays what it can toward the damages, the umbrella insurance policy comes in and pays for the rest. It’s a great way to be well-covered by insurance.
Get Umbrella Insurance
When you want to be better covered for your liability at home and in your vehicle, you need umbrella insurance. Call us at Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA.