How Much Flood Insurance Should I Carry When I Have a Home-Based Business?

At Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA, we provide competitive flood insurance quotes to help keep your home-based business running. 

Here are some facts that you need to know:

Historical Flooding Near Newton and Boston, MA

According to the National Weather Service, the Boston and Newton region has seen nearly 15 inches of historical precipitation in a month, flooding many ground floor and basement offices and homes. Moreover, business disruptions due to power outages and equipment damage cost the city of Newton and the Boston area $75 million during flooding in 2010. But flooding does not have to be deep or extensive to be expensive.

Flood Damage and Business Disruption

Zakia Sultana and others at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences define business disruption as lost income caused by the inability to provide or receive services, economic output, or profit. For example, a flood may cause lost inventory and damage your location, but real damage occurs afterward. From delivery delays to supply-chain woes, your business reputation for getting things done right and on time could suffer for months.

Assessing Your Commercial Flood Insurance Needs

At Smoller Insurance Agency, we know how crucial getting your business back into operation after flooding can be. And your homeowner’s policy will not cover flood damage. You need a commercial flood insurance policy if you have a home-based business. We can help you decide how much coverage to buy based on how flood damage could affect your home-based business. For example, a ground-floor home office in a 1932 building could require over $400,000 to replace.

Get Flood Insurance Today

Contact us today at Smoller Insurance Agency before the next flood for a free consultation about your commercial flood insurance needs.

What does my Boston MA condo insurance cover?

Many people incorrectly assume that their condo is already covered. Smoller Insurance Agency knows this misinformation can be costly.

While landlords and building associations have their own policies, these protections are limited for condo dwellers. For this reason, condo insurance isn’t just a good idea. It’s a necessity.

Luckily, Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA is ready to help.

While every condo insurance plan is personalized, here are four items that every policy should include:

Safeguards the interior

An owner’s insurance coverage extends only to the structure itself. The interior is rarely included. Luckily, condo insurance fills this gap. Flooring, fixtures, cabinetry, and even walls are shielded against destruction, vandalism, and other types of damage.

Protects belongings

This applies to your belongings too. Furniture, appliances, and electronics are covered against loss. But jewelry and other valuables are also likely included. While every policy will list specific events, damage from natural disasters is usually included. Vandalism and theft may also be covered.

Offers liability

Like any other insurance plan, liability coverage is key. If an accident occurs inside your condo, this coverage will reimburse you for most property, medical, and other injury-related costs you may have incurred. Legal expenses may be included as well. This extends to you, your family, and your guests.

Accounts for loss of use

Condo insurance is about being prepared. If you are forced to temporarily relocate due to a serious incident, your condo insurance policy can chip in. Additional living expenses, like meals, hotels, and travel, may be included.

Give Us A Call

When you rent or own a condo, only a specialized condo insurance policy can provide the protection you need. Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA will find a personalized plan that’s right for you. Schedule an appointment today.

What Should I Do If I’m In An Accident?

Being in a car accident can be a traumatic experience. If you’re ever involved in an accident, it is important to know what to do to protect yourself and your loved ones.  Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA is here to assist you with any queries. Here we discuss the steps you should take after being involved in an accident.

Stay calm and follow these tips to ensure you’re safe and get the help you need:

1. If You Are Able, Move Your Car to the Side Of the Road

If you are able to move your car, do so carefully and slowly. Pull over to the side of the road, turn on your hazard lights, and set up a warning sign if you have one. You should only move your car if it is safe to do so and if you are able to. If you’re not able, do not try to move your car as this could make your injuries worse.

2. Check Yourself and Your Passengers for Injuries

After you have moved your car to the side of the road, check yourself and your passengers for any injuries. If anyone is hurt, call 911 immediately. Even if there are no obvious injuries, it’s important to get checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible after an accident.

3. Call the Police

Even if there are no injuries, you should always call the police after an accident. The police will create a report of the accident, which can be useful if you need to file an insurance claim or take legal action.

4. Exchange Information With the Other Driver

Get the contact and insurance information from the other driver involved in the accident. You will need this information when you file an insurance claim. Do not admit fault or sign anything without talking to a lawyer first.

5. Take Pictures of the Accident Scene

If you have a camera or your phone, take pictures of the accident scene. These pictures can be helpful when filing an insurance claim or taking legal action. Be sure to get photos of the damage to both cars as well as any injuries that may have been sustained.

Give Us A Call

Being in an accident can be a scary experience. But by following these tips, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of your passengers. If you are ever involved in an accident, stay calm and call Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA. We’ll help you through the process of filing an insurance claim and getting the compensation you deserve.

Will Insurance Help Me if My Business Is Sued?

When you open a business, you first think about the name, logo, and concept. You spend hours researching your market and finding the best suppliers and vendors to help you build your brand. But the first thing most of us don’t think about is the possibility that our business could be sued. This happens much more frequently than you think.

A lawsuit does not have to be the end of your business. If you’re a small business owner in the greater Boston, MA community, Smoller Insurance Agency can help.

Will Business Insurance Cover Me If I’m Sued?

Yes, if you have the right coverage. Business insurance, also called commercial insurance, can have different types of coverage. Some of the most common types of coverage include property, general liability, and excess liability.

When you are sued for damaging another person’s property or causing bodily injury or death in your business, liability insurance can help you pay for the damages. When you purchase a Business Owners Policy (BOP), it will typically include liability coverage.

Do I Need Business Insurance To Operate Legally?

Two types of insurance are required to legally operate a business in Massachusetts: worker’s compensation and commercial automobile.

Worker’s Compensation – This is mandatory insurance that covers your employees if they are injured on the job. It is required for all your employees whether or not they are full-time. Sole proprietorships or self-employed individuals are not required to have worker’s compensation, but they can elect to have it.

Commercial Auto – As a no-fault state, Massachusetts mandates that all drivers must have Personal Injury Protection (PIP), liability insurance, and bodily injury liability insurance. This is true even for vehicles that are used for business purposes.

Contact Us Today

Make sure your Boston, MA business is covered! Contact Smoller Insurance Agency today to see how we can help you.

5 Common Home Insurance Myths Debunked

Home insurance is one of those things that everyone knows they should have, but few people actually take the time to understand. As a result, there are a lot of misconceptions about what home insurance covers. Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA can dispel some of the most common myths about home insurance and help you better understand your coverage. So, whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a long-time homeowner, read on to learn more about this essential coverage. 

5 Common Home Insurance Myths Debunked

Myth 1: Home Insurance Covers Anything and Everything

One of the most common myths about home insurance is that it covers everything. In reality, home insurance has limits and exclusions. For example, most home insurance policies will not cover damage caused by floods or earthquakes. Additionally, home insurance typically excludes damage caused by pests, such as termites or rodents. So, if you live in an area with a high risk of these infestations, be sure to ask your insurer about coverage options.

Myth 2: Home Insurance Is Expensive

Another common myth about home insurance is that it’s expensive. While the cost of coverage will vary depending on factors like your home’s value and location, the cost of insurance is always lower than the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home without insurance.

Myth 3: Home Insurance Only Covers the Structure of Your Home

Another common misconception about home insurance is that it only covers the structure of your home. In reality, home insurance also covers your personal belongings, such as furniture, clothing, and electronics. Additionally, most home insurance policies also provide liability coverage, which can protect you financially if someone is injured on your property.

Myth 4: Everyone Needs the Same Amount of Home Insurance

One of the most common myths about home insurance is that everyone needs the same coverage. In reality, the amount of coverage you need depends on several factors, such as the value of your home, the age of your home, and the number of personal belongings you have. Additionally, your coverage needs may change over time as your home ages or as you acquire new belongings.

Myth 5: Home Insurance Is a Waste of Money

Another common myth about home insurance is that it’s a waste of money. In reality, home insurance is one of the most important investments you can make in your home. Not only does it protect your most valuable asset, but it also gives you peace of mind knowing that you’re covered in the event of a disaster.

Get Home Insurance in Boston, MA

Now that you know the truth about some of the most common home insurance myths, you can make an informed decision about your coverage. If you have any questions about your home insurance policy or are ready to get a quote, contact Smoller Insurance Agency today. We’re happy to help you find the right coverage for your needs.


Classic Car FAQs

Finding the right insurance coverage will be an important part of your classic car hobby. Classic cars are not valued the same as regular cars, so insurance is an important consideration. At Smoller Insurance Agency, serving Boston, MA, we can help you make the best insurance choices. Keep reading to learn more about classic car coverage. 

Classic Car FAQs 

Can I Use A Regular Auto Policy?

You can use a regular auto policy for your classic vehicle, but this type of policy may not provide you with the proper amount of coverage. A classic vehicle carries a value that is far different from a regular vehicle. In order to get the amount of coverage that is appropriate, you will need classic car insurance. 

How Is Insurance Coverage Determined?

The only way to determine the coverage amount for a classic vehicle is to sit down with an insurance representative. This professional is trained to evaluate the true value of the vehicle. After this evaluation, an amount of coverage will be set. 

What Factors Will Be Considered?

There are many factors that affect the value of a classic vehicle. The age and model of the car will be the first consideration.  Any improvements that have been made to the car will also be considered. This is where you will want to share with the insurance agent the money you have invested in the vehicle. The last factor will be the value of the vehicle in local collector markets. This, again, is very different from the market value of regular cars. 

All of this information will be collected and a coverage amount will be determined for you. 

If you would like to learn more about classic car insurance, or any of our other insurance products, please contact us at Smoller Insurance Agency, serving Boston, MA and the surrounding areas. 

Recreational Insurance Overview

Smoller Insurance Agency has a tradition of excellence. We proudly serve the Boston, MA community. We recognize the difficulty in searching for reliable insurance coverage. We strive to simplify the process for our clients so that they can live comfortable lives. We are committed to helping you find the necessary coverage to protect your assets.

Recreational Insurance Facts

Boston, MA provides year-round opportunities for residents to use their recreational vehicles. You can go boating during warm summers. Fall and Spring are popular seasons for many residents to go exploring in their RVs. The harsh winter conditions also provide the opportunity for you to pull out your snowmobile and enjoy some fun. Regardless of the type of recreational vehicle you have, there are still risks involved with operating these assets. If you lose control of your RV or snowmobile, you can cause substantial damage, injuring yourself and others. Recreational insurance provides protection while you’re using these assets. Collision coverage protects you if your recreational asset suffers damage in a collision. Maybe your RV collides with another driver, or you run into a pole while riding your snowmobile. Recreational insurance covers those potential repairs. Comprehensive coverage steps in if your asset is stolen or vandalized. You are also covered if your asset is damaged due to a natural disaster. Maybe you’re camping, and multiple dents impact your RV due to flying debris from a storm.

Liability coverage protects you if you cause property damage or injure someone with your recreational asset. You can also amend your policy to include emergency assistance. You’ll be protected if your recreational asset breaks down and you need urgent service.

Smoller Insurance Agency Will Help You Cover Your Asset

Contact us today to learn more information about recreational insurance.  

Introduction to Renter’s Insurance

Introduction to Renter’s Insurance

When you rent a home in Boston, MA, whether an apartment, condo, or house, you need to obtain insurance for it. You might think that your landlord’s insurance covers everything, but Smoller Insurance Agency wants you to understand that it doesn’t cover your personal items or your liability.

You need renter’s insurance to cover your personal items and liability for accidents that happen within your living area. Your landlord’s insurance only covers the structure and his liability for accidents that happen in public areas of the building.

For example, if someone fell in your living room and broke their leg, your renter’s insurance would cover it. However, if someone fell down the front steps of the apartment building you live in, your landlord’s insurance policy covers the liability.

Your renter’s policy covers everything inside your apartment, condo, or house. If a storm breaks a window, your landlord’s policy pays for the window. However, your renter’s policy pays for the damage to your couch that got wet when the rain came in through the broken window.

Renter’s insurance is one of the eight types of home insurance. The HO-1 to HO-8 policies each have a different use. Renter’s applies to any type of leased living space, while you would have a different type of HO policy if you owned the condo as opposed to a house. A renter’s policy covers any type of rental.

Contact Smoller Insurance Agency serving Boston, MA, to obtain renter’s insurance to protect your valuables. It would otherwise cost you thousands of dollars to replace your clothing, computer, smartphone, stereo, TV, and other personal property.

A Look At The Key Benefits Of Motorcycle Insurance

Smoller Insurance Agency assists Boston, MA residents. For over 40 years, we have helped our clients protect their hard-earned assets. We sit down with our clients so that we can assess their individual situations. This allows us to offer them flexible policies tailored to their individual needs. We are confident that we can help you find coverage that evolves as your needs change.

The Key Benefits Of Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycles are cool assets. You have the freedom to travel around Boston, MA and experience nature at the same time. However, there are a lot of risks associated with operating a motorcycle. That’s why motorcycle insurance is an asset. Motorcycle insurance covers you in emergency situations. You are covered if the bike suffers damage colliding with an object. You can add guest passenger coverage to treat your passenger if they suffer an injury in the collision. Guest passenger coverage will take care of their medical bills.

Sometimes, mistakes happen. Liability coverage protects you if you are held responsible for hurting someone or causing damage. Liability coverage is especially important if you ride your motorcycle through highly populated urban areas. You can amend your policy to add extra coverage. Emergency roadside assistance covers you if your motorcycle runs out of fuel or suffers a mechanical breakdown. You can also add storage coverage, which protects your motorcycle during the months when you aren’t using it. If you have a high-end motorcycle, you may need to amend your policy to add extra coverage. Luxury motorcycles are huge investments, so adding an extra layer of coverage is beneficial.

Smoller Insurance Agency Will Help You Protect Your Assets

Visit our website to learn more information about motorcycle insurance.

Wreckage and Boat Insurance

Are you in the market for boat insurance? Speak to Smoller Insurance Agency serving the area of Boston, MA to find out more about the boat insurance options available to you.

Boat insurance is there to protect your watercraft assets when homeowners insurance is no longer sufficient or suitable for protecting these types of investments. One of the risks of being a boat owner is having an accident, resulting in property damage and injury.  Accidents can happen on the road while transporting your boat, while moored or while you are on the water with friends. If you are on the water, then sinking and wreckage are possible in the case of a severe accident.

Boat or watercraft insurance covers two main areas, and these are loss and liability. You can insure your boat and its fixtures against accidental physical loss in one of three ways.

  • Actual cash value – the cost of replacing or repairing your boat less depreciation
  • Market Value – what it would sell for on the open market
  • Replacement cash value – the cost of replacing or repairing your boat.

Liability insurance provides financial protection if you are liable for the injury of a third party or their property. This may include when your boat is wrecked,  causing environmental damage from fuel and oil leaks. Being legally liable for property damage and injury is expensive. Make sure you are covered.

These two aspects of your insurance work together to cover you if your boat is accidentally wrecked. When reviewing or taking out a policy, it is worthwhile to check the terms for if your boat is wrecked or has to be salvaged, and it may require special equipment and cleaning efforts.

Boat insurance is there to mitigate any loss you may suffer from an accident, so don’t get caught in the wet! Take action and speak to Smoller Insurance Agency serving Boston, MA, today!