Understanding Usage-Based Insurance

Usage-based insurance (UBI) is an increasingly popular form of auto insurance that uses behavioral measurements of your driving habits and vehicle use to determine your premium. In effect, UBI calculates your insurance premiums based on your driving miles and riskiness. If you want to learn more about UBI programs, contact the August Vincent Insurance Agency team serving the Crystal Lake, IL, area.

How UBI Works

Traditionally, insurers determine auto insurance premiums based on a driver’s accident history, gender, age, marital status, and other characteristics. While this system was the best available, it wasn’t perfect as it based premiums on your characteristics rather than your driving behavior. However, today, in-vehicle telematics, smartphones, and other technologies allow insurers to track how often you speed, hard brake, use your phone, drive miles, and where you drive to determine your insurance premiums. Some UBI policies are based only on your miles driven, while others use your mileage and driving riskiness.

Policyholders choose to participate in UBI; the insurer does not force you into the program. Financially, UBI benefits those who drive safely for limited miles (less than 11,500 per year) and don’t mind the insurer tracking their driving and location. Such drivers typically save 5 to 10% for signing up and 10 to 15% after a trial period that confirms they are safe drivers.

UBI has drawbacks for those who drive aggressively, drive a lot, or have privacy and data integrity concerns. Insurance companies use different technologies for their UBI programs, so switching insurers may also require switching technologies.

Working With The August Vincent Insurance Agency

Our August Vincent Insurance Agency team serves the Crystal Lake, IL, area and will answer your UBI or other insurance questions. Stop by or call (847) 512-7301 today to develop an insurance plan that meets your needs.

Important Questions to Ask When Shopping for Auto Insurance

Selecting insurance for your car or other vehicle can be intimidating. You might not understand what’s required, what’s covered, and everything else. The good news is that you can figure everything out by working with trusted insurance agents. We covered some must-ask questions below, but if you need further help with auto insurance, contact Smoller Insurance Agency, serving Boston, MA, and other communities.

What Are the Legal Requirements?

Many state authorities stipulate insurance requirements. If you drive without having insurance, you can end up in trouble with the law. You might even lose your license or face other severe penalties.

What Are the Risks in My Area?

In some areas, car thefts or people breaking in to steal stuff are significant risks; in others, they might be relatively rare. Likewise, weather events can be a major risk for some while not so pressing for others. Remember that if you’re planning a road trip, you may come across different risks on your journey. It might be smart to adjust your plan before hitting the road. Speaking with an agent about your location, lifestyle, travel plans, and more is smart.

What Doesn’t My Policy Cover?

One of the best questions you can ask is what your insurance plan might not cover. For example, some plans don’t provide coverage if stuff is stolen from inside your vehicle. Other plans will provide coverage. It’s best to consider any gaps, and if you notice any big risks, it’s wise to talk with an agent to see if you can get additional coverage.

If you need further help selecting auto insurance, feel free to contact Smoller Insurance Agency, serving Boston, MA, and beyond.

Three important rules to follow when you buy auto insurance

Consumers need to realize that choosing the right auto insurance options is important. If you are a vehicle owner in Boston, MA, you can buy an insurance policy from us at Smoller Insurance Agency.

The following are three important rules to follow when you buy auto insurance:

Invest in added liability coverage

You only have to meet the liability coverage requirements set forth by the state of Massachusetts to drive legally. However, these minimum coverage amounts might not really be adequate to completely protect you against potential liability expenses.

If you want more financial security as a motorist, you should be sure to invest in added liability coverage when you buy an auto insurance policy. 

Compare quotes from a few different auto insurance companies

You should never buy the first auto insurance policy that you come across. Comparing quotes is probably the most important thing to do before buying any type of insurance.

Contact a few insurance companies and request policy quotes. You then know what your options are and can choose a policy with quality coverage at a good price. 

Read over the details of your policy

It’s important to fully understand your policy. Read over the fine print of your policy. Doing so will ensure that you understand exactly what’s covered by your policy.

Reading through your policy will also help ensure that you know what to do and expect if you need to file a claim down the road. 

Reach Out To Us

Buying auto insurance from Smoller Insurance Agency allows you to meet insurance requirements and protect yourself financially. Get a quote on an auto insurance policy in Boston, MA by calling us today. 

What Should I Do If I’m In An Accident?

Being in a car accident can be a traumatic experience. If you’re ever involved in an accident, it is important to know what to do to protect yourself and your loved ones.  Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA is here to assist you with any queries. Here we discuss the steps you should take after being involved in an accident.

Stay calm and follow these tips to ensure you’re safe and get the help you need:

1. If You Are Able, Move Your Car to the Side Of the Road

If you are able to move your car, do so carefully and slowly. Pull over to the side of the road, turn on your hazard lights, and set up a warning sign if you have one. You should only move your car if it is safe to do so and if you are able to. If you’re not able, do not try to move your car as this could make your injuries worse.

2. Check Yourself and Your Passengers for Injuries

After you have moved your car to the side of the road, check yourself and your passengers for any injuries. If anyone is hurt, call 911 immediately. Even if there are no obvious injuries, it’s important to get checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible after an accident.

3. Call the Police

Even if there are no injuries, you should always call the police after an accident. The police will create a report of the accident, which can be useful if you need to file an insurance claim or take legal action.

4. Exchange Information With the Other Driver

Get the contact and insurance information from the other driver involved in the accident. You will need this information when you file an insurance claim. Do not admit fault or sign anything without talking to a lawyer first.

5. Take Pictures of the Accident Scene

If you have a camera or your phone, take pictures of the accident scene. These pictures can be helpful when filing an insurance claim or taking legal action. Be sure to get photos of the damage to both cars as well as any injuries that may have been sustained.

Give Us A Call

Being in an accident can be a scary experience. But by following these tips, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of your passengers. If you are ever involved in an accident, stay calm and call Smoller Insurance Agency in Boston, MA. We’ll help you through the process of filing an insurance claim and getting the compensation you deserve.

Auto Insurance Tips

When it comes to shopping for car insurance in Boston, MA, there are a few tips that may help you purchase the best coverage available. Before buying auto insurance, do some research and shop around to find the best policy to fit your vehicle and driving needs. Those with questions should reach out to Smoller Insurance Agency to discuss auto insurance policies and coverage needs.

Compare Insurance Policies

Before purchasing an auto insurance policy, it is best to shop around and learn about your options. Ask your agent about different policies and coverage options available and costs. Additionally, call other insurance companies to compare prices for similar policies.  

Consider Deductibles

If you want lower insurance premiums, consider purchasing a policy with a higher deductible. These policies have lower premiums but require more out of your pocket should you get in an accident or have to file a claim. 

Determine State Laws

Before buying auto insurance, be informed about state laws dictating the required coverage amount. Those wanting minimal coverage must at least get the state-required minimum. Check with your local DMV or insurance agent for specifics on auto insurance laws. 

Drop Coverage 

Consider dropping coverage on older cars you are no longer driving or minimally drive. Drop the collision and comprehensive coverage to the minimum on older cars because replacing or repairing is generally not as expensive as if they were new. 

Look for Discounts

Ask your insurance agent what forms of discounts are available that can be applied to your auto insurance policy. Standard discounts include good student, low mileage, multi-car, multi-policy, and good driver. 

When needing car insurance in Boston, MA, shop around and compare all of your options. Then give the Smoller Insurance Agency a call to discuss how they can help you with your insurance needs.